+49 (0) 8165 6472-0


Documents and Manuals

Downloads – the fastest way to all necessary documents and forms

TrigasFI provides a lot of free information and documentation. The most important can be downloaded here from the downloads section. We are happy to equip you with everything that supports you in your designs and planning.

For the environment and resources

TrigasFI is conscious of the environment and resources. We pay attention to waste prevention, waste separation and reusability. Our offices and the way we work are largely paperless. We also need some documents in paper form. On the other hand, it can also be dispensed with in many cases. For this reason, we ask that you only print out what you really need as a paper document.

Accelerate your turnaround times

If you send us devices for calibration, we ask you kindly to enclose a decontamination declaration   and a calibration specification.

You will find all necessary forms here in the downloads section. Save valuable time and additional questions for a easy processing and fast turnaround time!

Is there still anything missing in our downloads?

We have put together for you what was requested most. We are happy to add further useful documents to this area. If you don’t find what you need, just contact our sales team.





Additional Tools for you

In the FlowHow area you will find useful tools for flow measurement technology. For example, they make your work easier by simply converting volumetric flow units or mass flow units. Or they can help you convert flow velocities. Use these tools to evaluate or design a flow meter or to determine the calibration range.

Downloads with addtional Knowhow 

We also provide interesting specialist articles on flow measurement technology and calibration. Most of this information arises from experiences in our laboratory. We want everyone who works with flow measurements in everyday life to benefit of this knowledge. The subjects deal with many questions regarding the optimization of measuring devices and the calculation of uncertainties. We are concerned with these issues in our laboratory every day. In addition, they also help to assess the condition of measuring devices and to understand the background of the flow calibration.

Have a look at our FlowHow pages.