Ranges and Specifications for Standard Gas Flowmeter Calibrations:
We calibrate with air and real gases(*) on our Sonic Nozzle test stand, laminar flow element test stands or our bell provers.
Exact pressure and temperature compensation is carefully carried out and taken into account in the evaluation algorithms.
*- Practically any non-hazardous gas can be used for calibration including Helium, Argon, Nitrogen, Methane, Propane, etc. There are flow range limitations due to practical reasons, so please contact our technical experts for details.
Volumetric Flow:
- 0,1 ml/min to 20.000 Nl/min
- Accuracy: +/- 0.26% … 0,.35% of reading
Mass Flow:
- 1,3 mg/min to 2400 kg/min
- Accuracy: 0,24% … 0,35% of reading
The exact flow ranges and their corresponding uncertainties can be found in the DAkkS Accreditation Annex.